Formal Examinations
Some Key information:
Formal exams start at either 9.00am or 1.00pm. Students must be ready to enter the exam venue 15 minutes beforehand, at either 8.45am or 12.45pm. There will be revision sessions before each exam that students can attend. Formal exam dates and start times are set at a national level and cannot be changed.
Mock exam dates and times are set by our school and communicated to students in advance.
Formal exams take place in the Sports Hall. Rooms 24, 25 and G116 accommodate students with exam support.
Students must wear school uniform to all exams (both mock and formal exams).
Please check the Student Details listed at the top of your formal exam timetables: these details need to be corrected before certificates are issued or there will be a charge.
Students must not communicate with or distract other candidates whilst in the exam venue. There are severe penalties for students suspected of malpractice.
Unauthorised materials will not be allowed in the exam venues and students are searched as they enter the rooms. Any sweets, drinks, stationary or other authorised items MUST be in completely see-through containers with all labels removed. Anything unsuitable will be removed.
If you have any questions regarding exams that aren’t answered in the documents below then please contact the Exams Officer, Miss Cook, on 01243 602558 or by emailing