Safeguarding and Wellbeing
Child Protection and Safeguarding
At The Academy Selsey we take the safety and welfare of our pupils seriously. Should you or your child have any concerns about the welfare of any pupil please contact one of the Academy’s Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs). Please be aware that if the school suspects abuse or neglect it may consider referring to Children’s Services.
Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL)
Mr D Searley (Lead DSL)
Mr M Tymon
Mrs J Ford
If you feel harassed / bullied by somebody or have any safeguarding concerns you wish to report then hit the stop button above.
This links directly to our anti-bullying support email

Free CPD training provided by the ABA is available at
If you are worried about somebody and feel you need to report it, please call West Sussex Integrated Front Door
01403 229900 or email us at
Call 999 for the Police if you think a child is in Immediate Danger