
Academy Uniform and Presentation Policy

The Academy, Selsey’s dress code is simple and appropriate to the demands of the school day. The students need to present the best possible appearance to the public, visitors and their peers. They should be smart and wear their uniform with pride. Most uniform items are available through the academy via mail order. All uniform items should be clearly named, especially PE kit so that any lost clothing can be quickly returned to the owner.

Academy uniform for students:

Physical Education

For health and safety reasons all students are expected to change into the appropriate PE Kit outlined below:

For optional Academy PE kit such as tracksuit, jumper, rugby shirt, please go to www.touchline.co.uk and select online stores.

Academy Uniform and Presentation Expectations

To support the creation of a professional learning environment we insist that students only wear one pair of small/simple stud earrings in the lobes of their ears. No other facial jewellery is allowed.

No other items of jewellery are allowed except for a watch.

Make-up may not be worn at all in Years 7, 8 or 9. In Year 10 and 11 discreet and natural make-up may be worn. However, The Academy reserves the right to judge what is acceptable.

Extreme hairstyles or hair colour are not acceptable. Students with long hair must have it tied back whilst participating in all practical lessons for safety reasons e.g. PE, Technology and Science.

Nail varnish and acrylic nails are not allowed.

Only students with the correct school uniform and appearance will be allowed into lessons. Students not dressed appropriately could be sent home to change.

Students should have a warm coat to travel to and from school during the winter months. Students are not allowed to wear outdoor coats or non –academy uniform items within the school building.

Electrical items such as mobile telephones or iPods should not be seen or used on The Academy site. Year 10/11 students have the privilege of only using them in the designated areas at lunchtime and break time.

The Academy, Selsey takes no responsibility for lost or stolen money, jewellery or electrical items.

Academy Uniform Order Form

School Uniform Order Form - Reviewed May 2024.pdf

Pre-Loved Uniform Shop