Student Well-being & Welfare - Well-being
In order to be fully healthy we have to look after our Physical, Mental and Social Well-being. Here at The Academy, Selsey we really focus on our Well-being through our tutor programme, House System, PSHE curriculum and through the Pastoral Team. Here are some of the key areas to focus on.
12 Rocks of Well-being
The '12 Rocks of Well-being' have been created by our friends at Action Your Potential. You should take time each week to look after each rock. This will help you to feel more in control, less stressed and more positive about taking on life's challenges. We will investigate the different rocks across the year through the tutor programme.
Thought-Full is the West Sussex Mental Health Support for Schools. We are joined by our Education Mental Health Practitioner each Thursday who supports with group work and 1:1 sessions for students who may be experiencing some unease or challenges with their mental health for the first time. If you think you'd like to be involved in this project please speak to the Pastoral Team who will be able to help you. More information can be found on the Thought-Full website.
Well-being Ambassadors
The Well-being Ambassadors meet every half term with Ms Cole in the Library. They are a team committed to moving the agenda forward in tackling the well-being of our student body. They consider the issues, plan for improvements, and then take action to make a positive difference! Speak to Mr Searley or Ms Cole if you'd like to be involved.
Specific Support Websites and Resources
Below are a number of websites that support quite specific areas of need depending on your circumstances.

National Websites Offering a Range of Support
Finally below are links to some key external websites that can provide support to all in our community for a very wide range of issues and concerns.