TAS safeguarding team 

We all have a statutory duty to report any incidents where we have cause to suspect that a child is suffering or likely to suffer from significant harm.
Neglect, Sexual/Physical/ Emotional Abuse
Report the allegation immediately via CPOMS which will alert the DSL Team
If the event occurs out of school hours, contact MASH on 0330 222 7799 or email lscb@westsussex.gov.uk or call 999.
You can also contact the Headteacher or Chair of Governors if you have concerns about a member of staff.
Finally, the West Sussex LADO can be contacted (See the TAS Safeguarding policy for details).


                                  Do’s Don’ts
Keep any original notes and pass them to the DSL Do not share information with other staff or visitors
Use the child’s words in your report                 Do not take photos of injuries; simply describe
Act in the best interest of the child                                         Do not carry out investigations
Thank the child for discussing with you Avoid leading questions or reacting to comments

Never promise to keep a disclosure confidential: Safeguard yourself!

Safeguarding is not just a policy—It’s a culture!