Contact Us

Appointments can be made to see class teachers or members of the Senior Leadership Team via the school office. Please bear in mind that the beginning and end of the school day are likely to be busy times for the teaching staff.

The Headteacher and teaching staff are always willing to talk to parents, so please do not hesitate to contact us.

If you want any further information on anything you see on this website or you want to ask us about anything to do with the school we will be pleased to share, host visits and talk to you.

The Academy Selsey

Name of the School: The Academy Selsey 

Our Postal Address: School Lane, Selsey, Chichester, West Sussex.  PO20 9EH 

Our Telephone Number: 01243 602558

Our Email Address:

Name of our Headteacher: Mrs Jo Ford

Contact Email for the Headteacher:

Name of our SENCO: Ms Tracey Orde

Contact Email for the SENCO: 

Name of our Designated Safeguarding Lead:  Mr Matt Tymon

Contact Email for the Designated Safeguarding Lead:

Name of the Chair of Governors: Mr Simon Foster

Email Address via the clerk to governors: 

If you would like to request any part of our website in paper format please contact contact the school office:

Our Sponsor

We are proud to be sponsored by The Kemnal Academies Trust (TKAT). If you wish to make contact, please see below:

Postal Address: The Atkins Centre, Kemnal Technology College, Sevenoaks Way, Sidcup, Kent.  DA14 5AA

Telephone Number: 020 3740 1808

Email Address: